QRIS Accredited Program

We are proud to say that our program was one of the first in Oregon to receive a Star 5 accreditation from Oregon’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). We were one of only 9 Certified Family Childcare Homes in Multnomah County to receive a 5 star rating in 2015. This is the highest possible rating a school can receive. We have been part of the state’s Field Test program since the start of QRIS, and have helped shape the standards for preschools in the future. The QIRS helps ensure children are ready for kindergarten and also provides a “mechanism to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality of an early learning and development program using a set of progressively higher program standards.”

Former Governor Kitzhaber says about our program:
“Overlook Collaborative Preschool has achieved a place among the first quality-rated early learning programs in Oregon. You have proven your dedication to our youngest citizens with the quality care and education you are providing… By participating in this field test with similar programs, you have steered the development of the state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). The QRIS is providing the essential quality benchmarks for child care and early learning programs throughout Oregon. Your work guarantees that children across the state receive high quality services to reach the doors of kindergarten ready for success.”
The entire letter can be viewed by clicking here.
We are excited to be able to prove the quality of education that we have always provided to our families thanks to the help of the QRIS team and accreditation process. It has been a privilege blazing the trail with the first 12 accredited schools in Oregon.